What is Black Pill? The Radical Version of the Red Pill and Women's Hypergamy Tendency

What is Black Pill? The Radical Version of the Red Pill and Women's Hypergamy Tendency

Black Pill Philosophy

The Black Pill is a life philosophy adopted by men who cannot form relationships with women or do not experience the relationships they desire. This philosophy is derived from the metaphor of the red and blue pills in the movie "The Matrix." In the film, the red pill means seeing and accepting reality as it is, while the blue pill means denying reality and living in illusion. The Black Pill is a more radical and nihilistic version of the red pill. According to those who adopt this philosophy, women only choose handsome, wealthy, and powerful men, and other men have no chance. Therefore, Black Pill men give up on forming relationships with women and dedicate their lives to other pursuits.

Black Pill and the Incel Movement

The origin of the Black Pill lies in the incel (involuntary celibate) movement, a subculture on the internet. Incels see themselves as victims because they cannot have sexual or romantic relationships with women and harbor resentment towards them. Incels believe that women are only interested in "Chads," who are handsome and alpha males, and reject "beta" or "omega" males like themselves. They claim that women are inclined towards hypergamy (marrying someone of higher status) and use men merely as resources.

The Nihilistic Approach of the Black Pill

The Black Pill emerged as a more pessimistic and nihilistic branch of the incel movement. Unlike incels, Black Pill men do not try to form relationships with women or attempt to change them. They believe life has no meaning and the only thing they can do is keep themselves away from pain. Black Pill men accept that they cannot change the nature of women or themselves. Therefore, they do not try to improve themselves or socialize. For them, the only reality is physical appearance, which is determined genetically.

Sociological and Psychological Aspects of the Black Pill Movement

The Black Pill movement can be described as a life philosophy adopted by men who fail in their relationships with women. People in this movement, after realizing for a long time that the opposite sex does not choose them, develop a defense mechanism against this and put great effort into relationships. This process also brings about a state of being stuck between stages of anger and depression. These men aim to avoid the emotional burden of relationships by avoiding social interactions and focusing on other areas of their lives.

Women's Hypergamy Tendency

The Black Pill philosophy focuses on the tendency of women's hypergamy. Hypergamy is the tendency of women to choose men of higher status than themselves. According to Black Pill men, this tendency causes women to only form relationships with the most attractive and successful men. This leads many men to feel worthless and socially excluded. Therefore, Black Pill men completely isolate themselves from these dynamics and give up on forming relationships with women.

Black Pill and Society

The Black Pill philosophy also sparks discussions regarding societal gender roles and expectations. This philosophy can be seen as a reaction against societal norms that require men to possess certain characteristics such as success, status, and physical attractiveness. At the same time, it criticizes women's freedom of choice and sexual preferences. Therefore, the Black Pill philosophy holds an important place in discussions on gender equality and relationships and leads to criticism of societal dynamics.

The Black Pill is a radical and nihilistic life philosophy adopted by men who fail in their relationships with women. This philosophy is based on the belief that women only choose the most attractive and successful men and that other men have no chance. Black Pill men give up on forming relationships with women and dedicate their lives to other pursuits. This philosophy holds an important place in discussions on gender roles and relationships and leads to criticism of societal dynamics. However, it should not be forgotten that this approach can be an obstacle to forming healthy and balanced relationships.

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