What is Critical Realism?

What is Critical Realism?

Critical realism is a research approach used in social sciences and philosophy. This approach argues that reality is determined by underlying causes that are not directly observable, and it emphasizes the need to investigate these causes. Critical realism contends that positivism fails to capture truth by solely examining observable events and that postmodernism renders truth entirely relative and meaningless. Instead, critical realism can be seen as a middle ground between these two approaches.

Key Assumptions of Critical Realism:

  1. Objective Reality: Reality exists independently of human perception.

    • It acknowledges that reality exists whether or not it is perceived by humans, establishing an ontological foundation central to critical realism.
  2. Three Layers of Reality: Observable events, unobservable mechanisms, and unobservable structures.

    • Observable events are directly experienced and observed.
    • Unobservable mechanisms are the underlying forces behind these events.
    • Unobservable structures are the fundamental frameworks that constitute these mechanisms.
    • Observable events are produced and influenced by these mechanisms and structures.
  3. Depth Ontology: Events are caused by complex, underlying reasons rather than surface-level explanations.

    • Surface-level data and observations are insufficient to understand reality; a deeper analysis is required.
  4. Dynamic Nature of Reality: Reality is dynamic and influenced by time and conditions.

    • This requires understanding the dynamic processes in both social and natural sciences.
  5. Methodological Pluralism: Researchers can use methods from both natural and social sciences.

    • Both objective and subjective data should be considered, advocating for an interdisciplinary approach and integration of various methodologies.

Applications of Critical Realism:

Critical realism has been applied across various disciplines in social sciences:

  • Education: Examining societal and economic structures underlying educational policies and practices.
  • Health: Analyzing distribution and accessibility of health services through socio-economic factors and policies.
  • Management: In-depth analysis of corporate structures and management practices.
  • Economics: Addressing societal impacts of economic theories and policies.
  • Politics: Studying power dynamics and ideologies underlying political processes and decisions.
  • Law: Analyzing legal systems and practices within social and cultural contexts.

Critical Realism and Social Change:

Critical realism attempts to explain the complexity and contradictions of social phenomena. By critiquing existing conditions and proposing alternative possibilities, it advocates for social justice. It can serve as a tool to promote social change by challenging current structures and mechanisms to achieve a more just and equitable society.

Philosophical Contributions of Critical Realism:

Philosophically, critical realism has made significant contributions:

  • It addresses ontology (study of being), epistemology (study of knowledge), and axiology (study of values).
  • It has sparked debates about the nature and limitations of scientific methods, offering new perspectives on how knowledge is generated and evaluated.

Scientific Method and Critical Realism:

Critical realism argues that scientific inquiry should not be limited to observable data alone. It insists on exploring unobservable mechanisms and structures, leading to a more comprehensive and profound understanding of reality.


Critical realism is a compelling research approach in social sciences and philosophy. It encourages looking beyond observable events to understand reality and serves as a motivation for social change. By critiquing existing conditions and proposing alternatives, critical realism strives for a more just and meaningful social order. It provides researchers and thinkers with a rich tool for understanding and analyzing complex phenomena.

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